Security Risk Rating Service

Find Out Your Organisation’s Security Risk for FREE!

Identify and mitigate potential security threats with ease
and all-in-one cybersecurity platform.

Powered by:
The Industry-leading for Security Rating

RiskRecon Mastercard

Request Your
Security Risk Rating

Security Rating as-a-service

Report Snapshot

Access a security rating for your company, supply chain, and third-party vendor for a limited time.

Risk Score Findings

Know what the findings are and what they mean to its risk score across multiple security domains.

Compare Performance

Learn how the organisation’s security performance compares to competitors & peers in each industry.

Prioritised Risk

Learn how to use this score to influence corrective action with risk prioritised data based on issue severity.


Security Rating,
Expert Consultation,
and Protection Strategies
All-in-one Platform

Confident enough with your business’s cybersecurity?